Hold on to your Sombrero's Ensenada...
The Howells are about to head south! Yes, I know, we've already told everyone that. September 2018. Well. We changed our minds. So we're...

5 weeks, start to finish - that's how long it took us to sell/donate/trash just about everything we've accumulated over the last 17...

What? You're moving on to a BOAT??
*** Edit: The pictures you see here were taken when our house was torn apart as we were culling and selling. The back yard is typical of...

Alas, all good things must come to an end, although I don't think that should apply to vacations. Darrin had to get back to work though,...

Wasp Islands & Rosario Resort
Unfortunately this time of year in the Pacific Northwest, prevailing winds are light and opportunities to sail are few. So once again we...

Cruising the San Juans
The weather really couldn't have been more perfect for our cruise around the islands. The type of days that we suffer through winter for...

Friday Harbor Fireworks
Friday Harbor pulls out all the stops for the 4th. A beautiful location, marina was full, fireworks, a parade...perfection! We started...

Fast Forward - 2017
Fast forward to 2017, a bigger boat, much more safety gear and a much healthier respect for weather warnings and here we are in Friday...

2015 San Juans Sailing Saga - Part 3
Cattle Pass. For two years just the name has sent a frisson of terror down my spine. And with good cause. Cattle Pass is a half mile gap...

2015 San Juans Sailing Saga - Part 2
We thought we were really prepared for our trip across the Strait. We had pored over maps, provisioned, had fabulous life jackets and...